
Top 3 best ways to monetize your songs in 2020- MannSeMusic

Hey friends its common in today’s life that everyone is busy in some or the work and being engaged in any activities without having time to do what they really want to???.................hmm right???   Especially the students many of them get confused about what to do whether to be concentrate in their studies or also should they give some time to their hobbies or talents too.  Education is important but many of them do have other talents like dancing, singing and sports etc.….   But due to confused state of mind, many of them opt for education itself by letting their dreams to trash.  so as in today’s topic I’m going to share you some of the topics that you can do in a music field, though you are a student and also can be a musician, singer, composer or other in music field.   By just doing some regular things you can even be in both education and your music field and als
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